Message from Raina

 Dear Wellesley, 

I'm asking for your vote as I run for my third full term on the Wellesley Natural Resources Commission (NRC). 

I’m running for re-election to the NRC to continue to be a steward and advocate for our cherished trees, parks, conservation, recreation, and open spaces, which have always faced pressure, but are now under severe pressure from Climate Change. My top priorities include projects that enhance our resources and our quality of life: the Town Forest Stewardship and Bird Habitat Plan at Longfellow Pond; Morses Pond Shoreline Restoration project; conducting an Athletic Field Use Optimization Study; preparing Wellesley for Climate Change.

The Mission matters, and I work every day to ensure our children will inherit a healthy, habitable planet. When our natural resources are healthy, we're healthy!

I have served on the NRC for the last eight years, during which time I participated in the selection and hiring of our current director of seven years, Brandon Schmitt, approved and oversaw expansion and renovations to the Hunnewell Track & Field, passed Wellesley's first plastic bag regulations, launched the Grow Green Wellesley initiative to encourage eco-friendly landscaping with the Landscapes for Living event, and contributed valuable input on the LED street-light conversion project, including sponsoring the Bright Ideas: A Workshop on Smart Outdoor Lighting seminar for the community. I partnered with Sustainable Wellesley on Leaf Blowers & Our Health, which has resulted in the Town's commitment to transition to electric landscaping equipment. I testify at the State House on environmental legislation which benefits Wellesley.

I was instrumental in the installation of the educational Police Station pollinator garden, and helped launch Pollinate Wellesley. I've helped create educational forums for the community including Saving Our Ponds: How You Can Help, and was especially proud to work with the League of Women Voters to co-sponsor the Speaking For Our Trees event to educate our residents about one of our most valuable natural resources.

I served on the Select Board-appointed North 40 Steering Committee, the Town's Unified Plan, was a founding member of the 3-R Working Group, and most recently served on the Climate Action Plan working group.

I currently represent the NRC on the Community Preservation Committee which, during my 5-year tenure there, has voted funding for NRC-proposed projects and items such as the Morses Pond Shoreline Restoration, a Comprehensive Pond Plan for all town ponds, engineering plans and construction costs for the Thomas Lee and the Diane Warren softball fields (which are now both complete), bathrooms at Hunnewell Fields, a pedestrian boardwalk at the North 40 vernal pool, a mobile gas leak detection device to safely plant new trees, a small weed harvester for neighborhood ponds, a new large harvester for Morses Pond, feasibility plans for new beach facilities at Morses Pond, restoration of the historic Duck Pond Bridge at Town Hall, and other projects which protect our environment and enhance our enjoyment of our land.

But there’s still lots to do, such as continuing the implementation of Wellesley’s Unified Plan, Climate Action Plan, and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program to plan and prepare for Climate Change, working to address harmful gas leaks, and meeting the unforeseen issues (and opportunities) that are bound to come our way! 
I’m a seven-year Town Meeting Member, co-founder of Friends of Brookside, and proud member of Sustainable Wellesley, the Wellesley Conservation Land Trust, the League of Women Voters Wellesley, and many environmental organizations. I have given and continue to give volunteer time to our schools, and participate consistently in Wellesley Green Schools, working on projects such as It's Vital Not to Idle campaign, which resulted in the Wellesley Select Board voting to amend the Town’s Traffic Regulations to include an Anti-Idling violation. I complete environmental training courses to learn about environmental issues, Green Infrastructure techniques, and best management practices. I enjoy the process of working with town staff, boards, and community stakeholders in order to make thoughtful, inclusive decisions that are right for Wellesley. I hope to have your vote for another term. 

I’m gratified to have the support of an amazing committee, and with your help look forward to serving Wellesley for the next three years! 

Raina McManus, Chair
Wellesley Natural Resources Commission
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